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No day is dark nor dreary when you are near -August 21, 1921


Presbyterian Church, Bath New York

The Steuben Hotel

John Bertram, Proprietor

European Plan Only

Bath, N.Y.

Aug. 21, 1921

My Darling:

This is a wonderful day, but it would seem much brighter if you were only with me. No day is dark nor dreary when you are near, and no date has its full measure of light and sunshine apart from your presence.

I have a pleasant room in this quiet, newly furnished hotel-and it is quiet-have just finished my dinner and I was the only one in dining room until I was nearly through, when a young couple came in. We had a splendid bill of fare to choose from and following is what I had-Vegetable soup, celery, sliced tomatoes, bread and butter, half a spring chicken on toast, green corn on cob, coffee and ice cream. Everything was fine and price very reasonable, 75 cents.

I attended the Presbyterian Church this morning and heard a good sermon, but rather stereotyped on “character building.” The regular pastor is on vacation and there was a rather slim attendance. This is one of the most beautiful church edifices in New York State, the most beautiful I have ever seen.

You remember I told you of driving to Cameron Mills a few weeks ago to call on my old friends, Crawford brothers, and found one of them away, and that the one I found would not buy without the other. Well I repeated it yesterday for a drive of about 24 miles and this time I found the other one in and the other one away on his vacation and this one would not buy without the other one being there. Do you get this straight? I met Professor Crawford and he remembers Marion and wanted to be remembered to her. He has not had the honor of meeting Elizabeth but will probably be favored with her acquaintance in her junior or senior year. He teaches political science.

I reached here last night at about 8:00. O'clock. I bought a pair of trousers to go with my numerous blue coats. I also bought a new suit of clothes and the suit goes by parcel post as it has to be altered. If you like my Plaid shirt, you will like this new suit-have to keep in style.

Yesterday I sold two orders for $22.10 and $137 so I feel delighted that I have remained out. My sales for week are about $380, so paid expenses and a little more after all. If I don't get home until next Saturday night, perhaps we can make a trip to Rome or Beach Monday. Haven't a definite route for this week, but you have at least two towns for letters. Hope to put in a hard week's work. We need the business.

My mind has been on you all day and hope you are having a restful time.

Accept a heart full of love from your,




Insistence That Warrants Must Precede Property Invasion Deadlocks Congress. COMPROMISE PLAN SCORNED Exemption of Home but Not of Other Possessions Raises a Constitutional Issue. SENATE DEFIES THE HOUSE Leaders Serve Notice That With Stanley Amendment Rejected Recess May Be Blocked. Two Refuse to Sign Report. Climax to "Rights" Fight. FIGHT ON RUM RAIDS DIMS RECESS HOPES Recess Plans in Doubt. Text of Stanley Amendment.

If you're new to this project, please consider going to our site and catching up with a few letters from the 1900-1910 era. The letters only take 3-5 minutes to read and you'll find the characters more fully develop if you read the letters chronologically.

John has excellent handwriting. However, in some instances, I cant decipher it. If I can't, I simply mark the spot with "xxx"s to signify thank the word isn't decipherable.

Check out our article in the New York Times!


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