Our hope for a speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. John Heyland

A bunch of good wishes for a speedy recovery.
From Mrs. AdTeffe

Sorry you are having such a hard time, and right at the opening of baseball season. If you cant find enough for exercise, come down. I have a lot of poison ivy to out. Ha. Ha. Let “Woody” do it.
Well here is wishing you many happy birthdays and no moree like this one.
Love from Lil and Vic Uncle and Aunt

Dear Louise,
I heard that you was sick and so I thought I would drop you a card and hope that you will be better soon.
From Evelyn Borrese

Wednesday at Morneylight
Dear F- Glad you are able to “sit up and take notice. We hope to hear you continue to improve. You can think of Junior after 8 (old time) as 3rd speaker Friday Eve-he don’t look for anything only the experience etc.
Aunt Bess
Have a great weekend! We'll be back with letters on Monday.